The manifestation of psoriasis on the face is a rare and atypical phenomenon. Its main danger is not physiological, but psychological. A person facing this course of the disease often withdraws, experiences difficulties in communication and is at risk of falling into severe depression. Meanwhile, the problem can be solved by achieving a stable, long-term remission. The most important thing is to consult a specialist in time and not to self-medicate.

What is psoriasis
Psoriasis is a chronic, non-infectious disease with very unpleasant symptoms, including red rashes and peeling of damaged skin areas.
They arise due to disruption of the mechanism of the replacement of the dermis layer. In a healthy person, this process takes an average of 30 days, in a sick person, the skin renews itself in less than a week. The body perceives such rapid formation of new cells as an aggressive invasion and mounts an immune response, "sending" an increased number of leukocytes and red blood cells to the likely site of damage, which triggers inflammation.
Rashes characteristic of the disease develop more often in the elbows and knees, under the armpits and on the head under the hair. In rare cases, the manifestations of the pathology spread to the face. Scientists are still aware of the causes and mechanisms of the disease.
Causes and risk factors of psoriasis
The scientific community has been debating the nature of psoriasis for decades. Three theories of the occurrence of the disease are the most common:
- autoimmune;
- endocrine;
- psychosomatic.
In recent years, the genetic explanation of the appearance of psoriasis has become popular. This is confirmed by the statistical data, according to which the close relatives of the majority of patients suffer from this disease.
Proponents of the various theories agree on three points:
- the polyetiological nature of psoriasis, that is, the origin of the pathology is caused by several causes;
- the disease is not contagious;
- stable remission can be achieved.
Doctors have also identified the main factors that cause the disease. Among them:
- chronic inflammation;
- severe traumatic skin damage;
- metabolic disorders;
- severe poisoning;
- weak immunity;
- constant stress;
- freezing;
- infectious diseases;
- alcoholism;
- certain medicines (such as beta-blockers and antibiotics).
People whose body is affected by more than two factors from the list above are at the greatest risk. There is a possibility that they will encounter the most unpleasant and atypical form of the disease.
The mechanism of the appearance of psoriasis on the face
Psoriasis on the face is characterized by rapid development due to the particularly sensitive skin. It occurs in different ways, but doctors distinguish three general stages:
- advanced;
- stationary;
- regressive.
In the last stage, the psoriatic manifestations fade and disappear completely. The entire process takes from two to six months, depending on the severity and type of disease.
The classification of psoriasis is complex and includes many types. Based on the type of progression, two large groups are traditionally distinguished: pustular (with rashes in the form of purulent pustules) and non-pustular. Depending on the severity, the area of damage and the intensity of the manifestations, psoriasis can be mild or severe. The severe form of facial psoriasis, seborrheic, does not fall under the general classification.
Attention! A dangerous complication of this form of the disease is a fungal infection of the sebaceous glands.
The symptoms of the subtypes of psoriasis are clearly visible, which allows the competent doctor to accurately diagnose the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Symptoms of psoriasis on the face
Signs of the initial stage of the disease can easily be confused with symptoms of allergy or irritation. Moreover, they appear on the face during the period of the skin's greatest vulnerability - in the autumn-winter period. Psoriasis can be suspected based on the following symptoms:
- redness on the skin;
- the appearance of dandruff;
- itching;
- small wounds;
- peeling;
- the formation of a yellowish crust.
The first spots are no bigger than the head of a pin and appear on the forehead and cheeks. Then they grow and fuse with each other to form red papules that itch very much.
Attention! Scratching the rash accelerates the spread of the papules, which can leave scars.

Gradually, the papules cover larger and larger areas of the skin and form on the lips, nose, ears and scalp. The plaques begin to bleed under pressure, the scales are stuck together by the secretion of the sebaceous glands and form a thick, yellow crust. The epidermis becomes thinner and loses its ability to perform protective functions against external influences. It is better to start the treatment in the early stages of the disease. Only a dermatologist can determine the extent and type of the disease.
Differential diagnosis
Establishing the correct diagnosis is not difficult for a competent specialist. It is based on data on the symptoms and course of the disease, as well as a visual examination. The so-called psoriatic triad, which is discovered during the scraping of the problem area of the skin, has great diagnostic value. It includes three phenomena:
- stearin stain (increased peeling after scraping);
- terminal film - smooth surface in place of removed scales;
- blood dew - the appearance of bloody drops.
Psoriasis sometimes resembles other diseases. Differential diagnosis is often carried out with such pathologies as:
- syphilis;
- some species of lichen;
- pityriasis;
- chronic dermatitis;
- eczema;
- parapsoriasis.
Clarifying the diagnosis in contradictory cases requires the following:
- allergy tests;
- biochemical blood test;
- histological examination of the skin;
- UAC;
- stool examination for dysbacteriosis;
- Ultrasound;
- x-ray (to rule out psoriatic arthritis).
Unfortunately, after discovering the first signs of psoriasis on the face, many patients start self-medicating, which only worsens the situation. Meanwhile, modern medicine offers enough tools and techniques with which you can forget about the unpleasant disease for a long time.

Management tactics
To successfully get rid of psoriasis, an integrated approach and strict adherence to medical recommendations are required. Treatment methods typically used include:
- drug therapy;
- local effect;
- phototherapy;
- physiotherapy;
- folk remedies.
Adhering to a special diet is also important.
Drug treatment
Pharmaceutical drugs are prescribed for the treatment of advanced seborrheic psoriasis on the face. The following drug groups are usually used:
- antimicrobial agents help reduce the intensity of psoriatic manifestations;
- the drug with succinic acid normalizes cellular immunity and increases the flow of oxygen to tissues;
- antihistamines reduce itching and swelling;
- glucocorticosteroids;
- tranquilizers are included in the complex treatment to relieve stress. You can use an extract of valerian or motherwort;
- Folic acid helps normalize pigmentation and cleanses the skin.
Attention! All medicines should be taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor.
If the use of these drugs does not bring positive results, use Cyclosporine. Due to the large number of side effects, it is prescribed in the most severe cases.
Local agents
Ointments, creams and gels used in the treatment of psoriasis help relieve inflammation, soften plaques, reduce itching and disinfect damaged facial skin. The most effective remedies include ointments:
- salicylic acid;
- Naphthalene;
- Sulfur tar.
In extremely severe cases, the dermatologist may recommend local hormonal drugs. They have many contraindications, so it is strictly forbidden to use them independently.
Attention! Psoriasis plaques cannot be covered with a cosmetic foundation! It clogs pores and prevents oxygen from reaching damaged tissues.
The effect of medicated ointments is enhanced by the use of moisturizing and soothing preparations with shark oil or vitamin F. Physiotherapy speeds up the healing process.
In most cases, patients suffering from psoriasis undergo a course of light therapy - this method restores the ability of tissues to regenerate by exposing the skin to ultraviolet radiation and stimulating the production of vitamin D. Depending on the symptoms and characteristics of the treatment, such hardware manipulations of the disease as:
- X-ray therapy;
- Ural Federal District;
- electric sleep;
- laser exposure;
- ultrasound;
- magnetotherapy.
These procedures directly affect inflammatory foci, contribute to their localization and elimination. It improves the general condition of the patient, including the psychological condition. Recipes from traditional medicine will be a good addition to conservative treatment.

Folk remedies
Homemade remedies based on herbs and plants help relieve the most unpleasant symptoms of the acute period of psoriasis. Here are some popular recipes:
- Boil a tablespoon of chamomile flowers in 200 g of hot water and let it brew (about an hour). Moisten a cotton cloth abundantly in the cooled and filtered solution and apply it to the face for 30 minutes;
- mix solid oil and birch sap in equal proportions. Apply the resulting mass evenly to the affected areas and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash and apply moisturizer to your face;
- Put some aloe leaves in the refrigerator for a week, then take them out, cut them and apply them to your face for 30 minutes.
Products based on essential oils and sea salt are very useful for psoriasis. In addition to facial care, correct and balanced nutrition plays a major role in getting rid of psoriasis.

Psoriasis nutrition should contain all the substances needed by the body. It is especially important to eat more fiber. The diet should contain a sufficient amount of fruits, vegetables and dairy products. You cannot eat:
- sweet baked goods;
- chocolate;
- high-fat milk;
- nuts;
- any citrus fruits;
- spices and herbs;
- alcoholic drinks.
Food should not be greasy, fried, smoked or too spicy. It is worth organizing "kefir" fasting days once a week.
People prone to psoriasis should take simple precautions:
- wash off with special moisturizing products;
- Wipe your face daily with decoctions based on chamomile or hops, especially in hot weather or frost;
- give up smoking;
- avoid prolonged stay in dusty or damp places;
- spend more time in the sun.
Visit your dermatologist regularly to avoid worsening the condition. A complete cure of psoriasis is impossible. However, by following preventive measures and following medical recommendations, you can achieve a stable remission and lead a satisfactory lifestyle.