Psoriasis is a chronic version of dermatopathology characterized by reddish-silver papular rashes on various parts of the body. The child develops more often in the age group, but it can initially occur after 20-35 years.
- metabolic disorders;
- pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
- dysbiosis;
- chronic stressful situations;
- the presence of negative habits such as alcohol consumption.

Because the skin is a single giant organ, the appearance of various rashes, including psoriasis, requires diagnostic tests and an integrated therapeutic approach.
Diet therapy is a significant factor in getting rid of aesthetic formations. Proper diet combined with drug therapy are the main directions of modern methods of influencing the disease.
The most important thing to keep in mind while maintaining proper nutrition for psoriasis is to drink enough water a day from seven to ten glasses. The liquids used must be of high purity, it is advisable to cook freshly squeezed when consuming juice.
The basics of proper nutrition
Every person’s body is unique, so a professional must strictly choose the right diet in each case - there simply isn’t a single menu for every person with psoriasis.
The main task of dietary therapy in the identification of pathology is to maintain an appropriate acid-base environment in the patient's body. Equilibrium should tip in favor of an alkaline environment, as acid only exacerbates the course of the pathology. Experts recommend that you take 2-4 times more alkaline foods in your diet.
- eat in fragments - in small portions, 4-5 times a day;
- Consumption of 2-2, 5 liters of fluid per day;
- adjust the diet so that the intestines are not overloaded;
- timely emptying of the intestines is the basis of health, pay close attention to the timeliness of the release of toxins;
- at the time of worsening of the pathology, it is recommended to enrich the body with mineral acids and organic elements: no more than 20%, the rest should be alkaline products;
- maximum rejection of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products;
- reduce the amount of table salt in your diet;
- minimizing the use of preservatives, emulsifiers, colorants, stabilizers and disintegrants;
- avoid all citrus fruits in the diet as much as possible - in addition to oranges, lime and grapefruit also fall into this subgroup;
- the emphasis should be on the use of cereals and fermented dairy products, vegetable oils - but also in small quantities.
Adherence to the above principles will help to minimize the number of exacerbations of psoriasis and achieve long-term remission of the disease.
What to throw away
During the consultation, the specialist emphasizes that you cannot eat with psoriasis. Diet therapy provides maximum rejection of the list of individual products, but necessarily provides a complete diet that provides the patient with all the nutrients.
What to deny:
- Numerous studies in patients with psoriasis have convincingly shown that spices cause the disease to get worse. The maximum concentration of essential oils and aromatic elements in them is very harmful to those with dermatopathology - it causes an itchy feeling on the skin, a debilitating burning sensation and an exacerbation of the pathology.
- Different nuts have similar negative effects on the skin. The most allergenic product is peanuts. It is recommended to avoid nuts in pure form and in the form of various additives. Peanut butter is completely removed from the diet.
- A variety of spicy, smoked, canned foods are particularly irritating to the tissues of the intestinal loop. They irritate the mucous membranes and prevent proper processing and absorption of nutrients. This is what leads to the appearance of new defects in the dermis - psoriasis plaques and scales.
- A significant percentage of essential oils that are toxic to psoriatic patients are also found in the peel of citrus fruits. This is why experts suggest that not only the fruits themselves but also the juices from them should not be included in the diet, as they are squeezed out without peeling by the industrial production method.
- Inflammatory manifestations of the skin can also be caused by arachidonic acid saturated with meat. White varieties such as turkey and rabbit are preferred when compiling the menu.
- The most extreme restriction applies to grape-based alcoholic beverages. During their fermentation, aromatic compounds are formed, which have the most negative effect on the condition of the dermis. The structures of the liver are also affected, the filtration capacity of the organ is usually reduced, toxins and toxins accumulate - psoriasis gets worse.
A well-planned diet also results in the normalization of a person’s weight, and complications of psoriasis such as arthritis can be distant for a long time if the professional follows the basic nutritional recommendations received during the consultation.
Approved products
Dermatologists around the world are unanimous in their opinion - don’t rush too hard and limit yourself strictly to nutrition. Before setting up a diet, a professional will perform various diagnostic procedures to identify the foods that are most adversely affected. Based on this, they decide what to eat with psoriasis for this person.
The following elements have a positive effect on the condition of the skin:
- a wide variety of unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids. Natural antagonists of arachidonic acid, as they are present in marine fish, have the best effect on the dermis;
- various vegetables contain vitamins and caratins - they optimally affect the protective barriers of the human body, multiply the activity of the immune system, contribute to the maximum resistance to negative external factors that can cause the aggravation of dermatopathology;
For those with a psoriatic outbreak, it is helpful to:
- add lecithin in the form of granules to the diet;
- replace coffee and coffee drinks with herbal teas;
- eat more vegetables;
- drink freshly squeezed juices more often;
- abandon artificial flavoring as much as possible - replace them with freshly grown herbs;
- useful to include fresh berries in the diet: gooseberries and viburnum, mountain ash and currants, blueberries;
- the various cereals bring maximum benefits - oatmeal, buckwheat, millet;
- sea fish should be kept on the table at least 4-5 times a week, but it is advisable to steam;
- poultry dishes are allowed up to 3-4 times in the current week, carefully removing all skins;
- milk and milk-based products are only permitted products with a reduced fat and salt content;
- the eggs should be cooked softly - 3-4 times a week;
- oils are acceptable - olives, cottonseeds, corn.
Thus, the diet for psoriasis is based on the use of simple, varied and highly fortified foods.
Mandatory cleansing of the human body is an essential condition for a full-fledged diet therapy for psoriasis - healing fasting helps in this. It is recommended that a person choose a day in their schedule during which only distilled fluid enters their body.
The next morning, it is allowed to consume vegetable salad, monastery tea - and again with the compiled menu of the daily diet.
The result of healing fasting and careful observation will be maximal - after 20-35 days a person will feel general well-being, the skin will be cleaned faster.
Frequent fasting should not be practiced - stick to the golden mean: up to 1 cleansing day per week. The various cleansing procedures used in beauty salons are also prohibited - they only upset the natural balance of the intestinal loop and thus suffer from psoriasis.
Clean and radiantly beautiful skin is a result even with a diagnosis of psoriasis. The point is to follow a diet regimen individually formulated by a specialist, combined with medication - as needed.